s o p h i a g i r l s s e n i o r s e c o n d a r y s c h o o l

v a l l a b h n a g a r , k o t a - 3 2 4 0 0 7

Affiliated to CBSE,New Delhi
Vide No. 1730092

Principal's Desk

principal image

Dear Readers,



Dear Parents/ Teachers & Students,


As I take a moment to reflect on the journey we’ve travelled together over the past year, I am filled with the deep sense of pride and gratitude. Our school community has once again demonstrated resilience, creativity and unwavering commitment to excellence in the face of unprecedented challenges.


In the pages of Echoes, we have the opportunity to capture the essence of our collective experiences to triumph, the struggles and the moments of growth and discovery. It is a testament to the strength of our community, bound together by our shared vision and a common purpose.


This past year has been marked by moments of profound transformation and renewal. From adopting to new modes of learning and communication to embracing innovative approaches to techniques and learning.


As we celebrate our achievement and lookahead to the future, let us remember the values that unite us as a community, integrity, compassion and a commitment to life long learning. Let us continue to support one another, to lift each other up, and to celebrate the diverse talents and perspectives that make our school truly special.


Let me also take this opportunity to express my gratitude to those who have supported me along the way – our dedicated faculty and staff, our supportive parents and guardians and most importantly our incredible students, whose passion and enthusiasm inspires me each day.


Together let us continue to write the story of our school community – a story filled with courage, resilience and boundless possibility.


May God Bless You.


With warm regards,


Sister Leena